With so many different types of credit card, the task of picking the appropriate card with the appropriate deal can seem perplexing at best. The reason, of course, for so many offers is that all consumers are different in one way or another and in order to match all customers’ requirements, lenders have been forced to offer cards that are quite unique. Cash back credit cards are one type of credit card that is often overlooked despite their apparent advantages. In actual fact, they present you with the opportunity to earn cash for spending cash.
Rewarding You For Money Well Spent
The cash back credit card works in a similar way to the reward credit card. Each time you use your card to purchase an item or pay a bill you are rewarded with a certain amount of money. Many cash back credit cards do have restrictions on their use and the actual amount of cash you receive will vary from card to card, however, the simple premise remains the same.
Cash Back Rates
Among the best cash back credit cards are those that offer you money in return for any purchase. Another cash back credit card may only offer a percentage of the money you spend on gasoline or in certain stores but some will reward you for spending your money in any store and on any item. In these cases it is usual to see credit cards that offer different remuneration rates for different products. For example, one cash back credit card may reward you with 5% cash back on all purchases of gasoline, but only 1% on grocery purchases.
Matching The Card To The Consumer
The best cash back credit cards are those that closely match your own personal spending habits. The example above would be ideally suited to those who use their credit card often to purchase gasoline and only rarely for grocery shopping. You should look back over your recent credit card invoices to ascertain exactly how you use your credit card. If you are shopping for your first card then you will need to realistically determine how you intend to use your card and, indeed, whether a cash back credit card is ideal for your needs.
Your Credit Card Spending History
Once you have gathered this information and you have a firm spending history you should be able to find the cash back credit cards that closely match your behaviour. Don’t simply opt for one particular card because it offers attractive rates on certain items. You MUST determine whether these items are pertinent to your own consumer behaviour. Don’t alter the way you use a credit card simply to try and match the rates on offer.
The actual cash back rate tends to vary from as little as 1% for all items to as much as 5% on specific items or specific stores. The only way to determine the best cash back credit cards for your purposes should be by the way you currently use a credit card. For some people this type of credit card may not be the best option, while for others it could offer an excellent incentive to continue using credit cards in the same manner.